Private Screening Voices Uprising | The Film

Event Date:
March 6, 2024
Event Time:
6:30 pm
Event Location:
A protest against police brutality ignites a debate around complex legacies that plague Nigeria and how to overcome them.
Seun Anikulapo Kuti | Obianuju Iloanya | Osai Ojigho | Dr Habeebah Oladosu-Uthsman | James Amuta | Olaf Bernau | Yemi Davis | Chief Elagboniki | Ikotun Community
Pannel Discusion:
The Impact Of Profiling Black people Worldwide
Director: Joana Adesuwa Reiterer
Running time: 54 minutes.
Language: English | Subtitle: English
As the idea of a nation embodying wealth, peace, and unity turns 60 years, a long-evolving uprising expands to the streets. The mission to end the notorious police units SARS is the tip of the iceberg. A broad conversation begins. Nigerians protest repressive politics rooted in the upheld economic structures of slavery and the colonial system.
Event FAQs
Anyone who has already reserved a seat. We have limited seats. If you do not reserve a seat but there ar eavailable seat son teh day of the event, you can also attend.
Please come early. The film is shown in teh opriginal language which is Englsih. the pannel discussion is in german but we have live translation. If you will need a live translation, please choose "translation Needed" during reservation.
The event is on wednesday, the 6th of March.
The location is at Burgkino. Opernring 19, 1010 Vienna, Austria
The BURG KINO in Vienna, founded in 1912, is one of the oldest cinemas worldwide which are still in operation. Ever since the silent film era, the Burg Kino has shown the chief works of the most important directors (C. Chaplin, B. Keaton, F. Lang, F.W. Murnau, S. Eisenstein) and was one of the first cinemas in Austria to implement the change from silent to sound film.